Thursday, March 22, 2018

How To Get The Best Texture And Color

As I said in my first blog post, texture, lighting, and color are the 3 techniques to make the food photos appealing/engaging.

I have already researched lighting, so now I researched color and texture. I found information on this website about photographing texture. It says to use a tripod and to use a high aperture. I'm not going to use my macro lens because it will be too much of a close up on my food. The website also says that if you put your light source at an angle on the side of the texture it imitates sunlight. I want my images to look very natural, so that is a good tip. They also say to play with depth of field and angles. I am definitely going to practice different methods to take my pictures to see what I like best.

Here is their example of texture:

Texture of Mussels

For color, I found information on this website. It says to use the curves adjustment on Photoshop to make the color look more powerful.

It also says bouncing the flash on a wall creates a warm, indirect lighting. Also, that natural lighting is the best during sunset and sunrise.

Here is their example of color:

I knew about photos being the best at sunset and sunrise, but it's a cool idea to bounce the flash to create an indirect lighting. Usually I use the burn and dodge tool to play with brightness or just go straight to the brightness option on Photoshop. I also use the sharpen tool on Photoshop.

I am really enjoying all the research, and it has helped me immensely. I feel much better about taking the food photographs, and showing the process in my next blog post!


How to take a WOW photo: Bringing out the color. (n.d.). Retrieved March 20, 2018, from

How to photograph textures. (2018, February 11). Retrieved March 20, 2018, from

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Creative Critical Reflection

Wow I am finally done with this project! I am kind of sad it's over, yet relieved at the same time. Here is my CCR: